Community Council of Idaho Press Releases

SEPTEMBER 30, 2016

We recently commissioned Bobby Gaytan to paint a rendition of the history of our organization. The mural is approximately 1,000 square feet and spans around the interior courtyard of our Casa de Colores Head Start School and administrative building. 

SEPTEMBER 14, 2016

CC Idaho Purchases New Spot Vision Screener with Select 25 Grant Funds

AUGUST 31, 2016

The Community Council of Idaho (CC Idaho) invite community leaders and transportation specialist, along with parents of our Migrant/Seasonal Head Start program to the Ribbon Cutting of the first Type A Green Bus in the State of Idaho on Saturday, September 24, 2016 during our 3rd Annual Health Fair…

AUGUST 18, 2016

We invite the general public and health professionals to join us for our 3rd Annual Wellness Fair on Saturday, September 24, 2016 at our main administrative building, 317 Happy Blvd, Caldwell ID 83607. 

AUGUST 16, 2016

Thank you. The Community Council of Idaho (CC Idaho) held the 30th Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament and reached it’s fundraising goal. 

AUGUST 3, 2016

The Community Council of Idaho (CC Idaho) was honored with the Affiliate Award for Advocacy this year from the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) at the Annual Conference Monday Luncheon, in Orlando Florida.

JULY 21, 2016

The Community Council of Idaho (CC Idaho) invite golfers to the 30th Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament on Saturday, August 13, 2016 at the River Birch Golf Course in Star, Idaho

JANUARY 25, 2017

Thanks to the generous donation from M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust we are excited to embark in a matching gift challenge to help with the construction of the new Community Family Clinic in Idaho Falls, a service of the Community Council of Idaho, Inc. (CC Idaho). 

JANUARY 19, 2017

M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust in the amount of $300,000, with an outright portion of $150,000 and an additional $150,000 contingent on funds raised with a 1:1 donation match. The grant will be used towards the construction of the new health facility in Idaho Falls for the Community Family Clinic, a service of CC Idaho.

DECEMBER 15, 2016

Community Family Clinic (CFC) of Idaho Falls, a service of Council of Idaho, Inc. (CC Idaho) will be hosting their third clinic with Shriners Hospitals for Children (SHC) Telehealth Care Network. With less than half a year of services using remote locations, hub SHC—Salt Lake City has saved $2,332 in travel expenses and helped reduce travel for patients and their parents by 3,848 miles. 

OCTOBER 28, 2016

Idaho Senator Mike Crapo, CC Idaho, ICHA, and Idaho AEYC partner to collect children’s books. The children of Wilder will benefit from the distribution of free books early next month.

OCTOBER 27, 2016

CC Idaho) celebrates a major milestone with a ceremonial groundbreaking for the construction of a new health clinic. After years of planning and support …

OCTOBER 26, 2016

On behalf of the Trustees and staff of CC Idaho, we would like to express our sincere gratitude and thanks for the community’s support of our 45th Anniversary Gala. We are grateful for the generosity of our Gala guests, volunteers, local businesses, and major organizations for making this event a success.

OCTOBER 3, 2016

The Community Council of Idaho (CC Idaho) will host its 45th Anniversary Gala on Friday, October 21st, 2016 at 6:00 PM in the Exhibit Hall of the Nampa Civic Center. 

Community Notice Board

JAN 31, 2017

CC Idaho has partnered with the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho (CAPAI) to offer assistance to low-income families needing help with their energy bills. 

DEC 20, 2016

The Community Council of Idaho (CC Idaho) recently wrapped-up over 20 years of a successful, annual holiday toy and application drive in support of the Toys for Tots program, sponsored each year by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve and Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. 

DEC 14, 2016

The Community Council of Idaho (CC Idaho) yesterday helped distribute warm winter coats to farm working men and women of Wilder Idaho. 

NOV 10, 2016

Toys for Tots applications are currently being accepted at our Central Office, 317 Happy Day Blvd, #170, Caldwell, ID 83607. Interested families will only be able to submit an application until Tuesday, December 13th. 

NOV 1, 2016

(Idaho CC) would like to invite the general community to two workshops provided by our Community Family Clinic. They will take place this Saturday, November 5 in Roberts and Menan, Idaho. 

OCT 26, 2016

The Migrant & Seasonal Head Start center Emiliano Zapata, of the Community Council of Idaho (CC Idaho) wishes to thank the beardless Santa that presented much-needed gifts to all of our students last week.

SEPT 30, 2016

CC Idaho wishes to thank all parties involved for the success of our 3rd Annual Wellness Fair. Open to the general public, the Fair provided almost 1,000 screenings on Saturday, September 24, 2016 at our main administrative building Parking Lot in Caldwell. 

SEPT 15, 2016

CC Idaho CEO, Irma Morin, receive the “Martha A Torrez” Award from ICHA – – Directora de CC Idaho, Irma Morin, recibe el premio “Martha A Torrez” de ICHA

SEPT 13, 2016

Head Start alumni from Casa de Colores honor Mexican history and tradition through Celebration – – Alumnos ‘Head Start’ de Casa de Colores le dan honor a la historia y tradiciones de Mexico a traves de una Celebracion

SEPT 9, 2016

The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Head Start receive training from our Professional Transportation Team – – Los Head Start de las Tribus de Shoshone-Bannock reciben capacitación de nuestro equipo Professional de Transporte

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