Employment & Training
Through our Employment and Training Department we develop strategies that in turn will assist farmworkers to increase their skill development in areas including: trade, educational, and professional skills.
- Bingham (and Surrounding) Counties – Based in Blackfoot
- Bonneville (and Surrounding) Counties – Based in Idaho Falls
- Canyon (and Surrounding Counties) – Based in Caldwell
- Cassia (and Surrounding) Counties – Based in Burley
- Twin Falls (and Surrounding) Counties – Based in Twin Falls
Please contact the office closest to you to determine eligibility and program availability.
Employment & Training houses programs that focus on providing services in the following areas:

Employment and Training

Community and Emergency Services

Our Programs Include the Following:
Click on each program title below for more information.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Contact your local CRC, listed below for applications.
How can the program help my family?
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
This program makes home heating more affordable, assists with avoiding disconnection of utility services during the winter and helps to maintain a warm, safe and healthy environment for young children, the elderly and the disabled. The types of assistance are a one-time utility payment and emergency assistance if a household’s home energy service is going to be disconnected or has been disconnected.
When is this program available?
Applications open November 1 and run through March 31 (as funding allows).
Am I eligible for assistance?
Please use the chart below to determine if your current income is below the income limit. These income limits are effective October 1 – September 30:
Income guidelines effective October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025. Income guidelines are approximate. If you think you may be over income, please contact CCIdaho for a full eligibility determination.
What are the application requirements?
The following information is required in order to determine eligibility for these programs:
Names/birthdates for all household members;
Social security numbers for all household members (please bring card(s));
Most recent heating energy vendor name/account number (utility bill);
Most recent electricity vendor name/account number (electricity bill);
Verification of residential address (utility bill);
Verification of income (wage stubs, Social Security/Social Security Insurance award letters, etc.) for all household members – last 30 day
National Farmworkers Job Program (NFJP)
The National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP) provides training and educational opportunities to eligible adult and youth farmworkers. Each of our Community Resource Centers offer job search assistance, training opportunities, skills development, and much more. All of these services are free to those who qualify.
To be eligible for enrollment into NFJP, you must meet certain requirements. They include:
- Be a farmworker or dependent of a farmworker
- Have authorization to work in the United States
- Meet income guidelines
Program Offerings
Direct Job Placement – An opportunity for individuals who are seeking employment to be placed as quickly as possible.
Short Term Vocational Training – For individuals that are working towards their associate degree and/or certifications.
Extended Education – Designed to assist college students during their graduating year. This can include tuition assistance, financial stipends and direct job placement.
Work Experience – This is a six-week work experience program, designed to prepare for entrance into the workforce. Individuals enrolled in this program are placed with an employer in a field of interest.
Job Readiness – A comprehensive program for individuals seeking assistance with resume building, interview strategies, and support transitioning into a new career.
Community Service Block Grant (CSBG)
The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) provides a variety of services for adults, youth, and seniors to help alleviate the cause and conditions of poverty. All CSBG resources are provided with the intent of revitalizing low-income communities, and empowering low-income families to become self-sufficient.
To be eligible for this program, you must meet certain income guidelines. Any of our Community Resource Centers can assist with the application process and income requirements.
Income guidelines effective October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025. Income guidelines are approximate. The income guidelines above are NOT the income guidelines for the LIHEAP program. If you think you may be over income, please contact CCIdaho for a full eligibility determination.
Program Services
Each of our five Community Resource Centers offer food boxes for families and individuals in need.
Employment and Training – The CSBG program can assist individuals in educational related activities, occupational skills training and provide work experience.
Emergency Assistance – Designed to assist individuals and families that need help with their utility bills and house payments.
YouthBuild (YB)
YouthBuild is a full-time program that assists youth between the ages of 16 and 24. Students enrolled in YouthBuild work towards earning their high school equivalency certificate, while also receiving hands-in training to jumpstart a career in the construction trades. Instructors and YouthBuild support staff design leadership activities in, and outside the classroom, to promote a positive and healthy lifestyle.
To be eligible for this program, you must meet certain income requirements. YouthBuild is only available for individuals who have withdrawn from school without a diploma.
Program Services
In addition to instructional support and class work, students will also have access to career counseling. Mentoring and counseling services are designed to assist in developing employment related skills and planning for potential post-secondary opportunities.
While enrolled, students receive financial assistance in the form of a stipend for attending classes.
Highschool Equivalency Program (HEP)
The Highschool Equivalency Program’s (HEP) goal is to help students succeed in obtaining their high school equivalency certificate while also increasing their workforce development skills. While enrolled, students will be provided free instruction, paid testing fees, books and career exploration guidance.
Eligible individuals for this program must have prior work in agriculture for the past 24 months or be a dependent of a farmworker.
Program Offerings
Academic Instruction – HEP offers instructional preparation that is tailored to each student’s needs. Each student develops an Individual Education Plan (IEP) that tracks their skill development and progress throughout their enrollment. Every student is also afforded the opportunity to receive academic tutoring and advising.
Financial Assistance – Personal expenses such as gas in order to attend classes, is provided. HEP realizes that attending classes requires a large commitment on the student’s behalf. As such, stipends for attending classroom instruction are provided to help relieve any financial burdens.
Post GED Exploration – Receiving a GED isn’t the only outcome for students in this program. After a student has received their high school equivalency certificate, they are provided assistance with post-secondary and employment opportunities.
Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act - Section 167 (WIOA - 167)
No additional information.
The Employment and Training Department believes in empowering individuals to pursue and achieve their goals. We devise strategies that assist farmworkers in increasing their skills in areas including trade, education, and career development. Each of our 5 Community Resource Centers offer an array of services to help people of low income to obtain employment and achieve greater financial stability.
CC Idaho receives funding through the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) and is a provider of Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) services.
Our Locations: Community Resource Offices (CRC)
Administrative Office
317 Happy Day Blvd., Suite 250Caldwell, ID 83607
Phone: (208) 454-1652
Fax: (208) 459-0448
Office Hours: M-F 7:30am – 4:30pm
Korene Gonzalez Employment and Training Director
CRC: Caldwell
317 Happy Day Blvd., Suite 180Caldwell, ID 83605
Phone: (208) 454-8604
Fax: (208) 459-1661
Office Hours: M-F 8am – 5pm
Elva Nuñez Employment and Training Manager
CRC: Idaho Falls
1349 S. Holmes Ave.Idaho Falls, ID 83404
Phone: (208) 524-0980
Fax:(208) 524-9176
Office Hours: M-F 8am – 5pm
Laura Gramirez Employment and Training Manager
CRC: Twin Falls
Falls Professional Center
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Phone: (208) 734-3336
Fax: (208) 734-8993
Office Hours: M-F 8am – 5pm
Roy Villaseñor Employment and Training Manager
CRC: Burley
437 E. 13th St.Burley, ID 83318
Phone: (208) 878-1171
Fax: (208) 878-5876
Office Hours: M-F 8am – 5pm
Maria Magaña Employment and Training Manager
CRC: Blackfoot
420 W. Bridge St.Blackfoot, ID 83221
Phone: (208) 785-6390
Fax: (208) 782-0904
Office Hours: M-F 8am – 5pm
Rocio Rojo Employment and Training Manager