Programs & Services

Migrant Seasonal Head Start (MSHS) provides full-day, bilingual school readiness education to children of farmworkers ages 0 to 5 at ten centers throughout Southern Idaho.  The five essential domains of our curriculum are physical health and development, social and emotional development, approaches to learning, language and literacy development, and cognition and general knowledge in math, science, and social studies.

Located in Caldwell  and Twin Falls, our Bright Futures Early Child Care Partnership Program (EHS), is an early education program for children of farmworkers ages 0 to 3.  This program is dedicated to promoting success in school and later in life.  Services include early childhood education, disability/mental health services, health and nutrition, wellness, social services and parent involvement and training.

Community Council of Idaho’s Employment and Training services include bilingual assistance, tutoring to earn a GED through the High School Equivalency Program (HEP), workforce development through the National Farmworkers Jobs Program and partnerships with employers, and help with construction certifications for disconnected youth though the Youthbuild Program.  Assistance is available for tuition assistance and youth counseling.  Employment and Training also provides families with assistance with food boxes, rent and utilities bills through a Community Services Block Grant and partnerships with local food pantries.

Familias Unidas and its dedicated staff work diligently to fill the need for quality, affordable legal services in Idaho.  A licensed attorney provides comprehensive consultations in-person, by phone, or by videoconferencing.   Familias Unidas is recognized by the Department of Justice as a qualified non-profit organization to provide immigration legal services.

Community Council of Idaho is a major provider of affordable housing in Central and Eastern Idaho.  Five sites, with 205 units in total, offer safe, suitable residences for seasonal and migrant farming families and low-income families.

Healthcare is essential in any community, and in Idaho, Community Family Clinics are an indispensable part of the community.  CFC has been providing affordable primary health care services in three communities since 2005.  Regardless of insurance status, financial situation, race, age or gender, the dedicated healthcare professionals at CFC deliver on its mission for the community.

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